Returns & Exchange
Order Cancellation
If you wish to cancel or modify your order, please send an email as soon as possible to We will try to accommodate your request, but once an order has been submitted we cannot guarantee the purchase can be cancelled or modified.
Unfortunately we do not offer refunds or exchanges.
Incorrect/Defective Items
We sincerely apologise for any incorrect or defective item that you have received.
Kindly contact us at within 7 days of receiving the item with the following:
Email Address used to place the order
Reason for the return
Proof of defect
If there are still stocks for the defect item, we will arrange a one-to-one exchange. In the event the defect item is out of stock, a full refund via store credits will be issued.
Once you received our acknowledgement via email, we will arrange courier pickup within the next 3 working days from 9am to 9pm, please ensure item is in sealed packaging and the watch box are bubble wrapped. Please write the tracking number (AWB No.) with recipient name Casa Blanca and our contact number on the parcel with any permanent ink included in the acknowledgement email.
Please ensure you return the item in our original watch box.
All items must be returned with packaging and must be in fully resaleable conditions. We may refuse returns and exchanges where this is not the case
We reserve the right to reject any returns/exchanges that doesn’t fulfill our returns policy.
Please allow up to 14 working days for returns to be processed once they reach us. We will notify once we’ve received and inspected the return.
Sale Items
All sale items are final and will not be accepted for returns, exchanges or refunds unless item has defects.